Wednesday 23rd 1pm until 5pm UK time
“Poverty: Pathways, Challenges and Transitions.”
We aim for contributions that can cover a range of themes, including but not limited to, redefining poverty, health inequalities, pathways of the working-class through services (education etc), families, leaving a legacy in neighbourhoods of deprivation, and envisioning a positive future for the working-class.
Welcome and housekeeping - 1pm
Dr Craig Johnston, University of the West of England (Deputy Chair).
Introduction (Alliance of Working-Class Academics)
Professor Geraldine Van Bueren KC (Chair OF AWCA)
13.10 Plenary:
Professor Diane Reay: Poverty, the working classes and education, University of Cambridge.
13.40 Panel Discussion
Mary J. Owen, MD - Associate Dean of Native American Health
Dr Kirsten Riches-Suman - Associate Professor - Biomedicine
Sarwan Singh – Senior Lecturer, Law
Dr Sharon Clancy - Assistant Professor - Educational Leadership and Management
Dr Will Curvis - Clinical Psychologist
This panel will contribute to understandings of the barriers for those from a working-class heritage in and across fields by bringing together a delegation of academics, and sector representatives.
Chair(s): Dr Charlie Davis, Dr Paul Craddock Intro: Dr Michele Statz
14.50 Plenary 2:
Professor John H. McKendrick - Poverty-proofing GCU: lessons for HE Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
15.10 – 15.25 Dr Carl Emery, Louisa Dawes and Patsy Davies
Empowering teachers and school communities to challenge and reshape the myths and discourses attached to schooling in areas of high poverty and disadvantage.
15.25 – 15.40 Carlie Goldsmith and Curtis James
Never mind the gap: reflections on social class, power, and politics from a grassroots campaign trying to make school fairer for working-class kids.
15.40 – 15.55 Fatema Khatun
Being Brown Working Class: A Rock and a Hard Place
16.00 – 16.15 Arhonda Lynch
The structural inequality and perceived social class impact on women who experience addiction
16.15 – 16.30 Dr Jo Forster
Community adult education for a social vaccine in pandemic and post pandemic times
16.30 – 16.45 Rhiannon Morgan
Working class households fare in gaining employment in local contexts of poor work and job shortages, particularly in one of the most disadvantaged communities in Wales.
16.45 Q and A – Prof. Geraldine Van Bueren
17:00 Finish